Competative Examinations

Competative Examinations

  • In our School we provide opportunity to Students of V to XII to appear in various competative examinations e.g. Scholarships, N.N.M.S, NTS,NDA / NA, JEE, NEET, CET,etc.
  • Besides these examinations, we also provide platform for students to appear in Homi Bhabha,G.T.S Olympiad, Cyber Olympiad, English Olympiad, Kishore Vidhyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) etc.
  • For Preparation of these examinations , we conduct special guidance periods, extra coaching classes, & arrange guest lectures.
  • To face the competitive examinations in future we have started ‘Test Series’ project for the students of class V to XII which is based on multiple choice questions.
  • Special batches /are selected for Scholarship, NTS,NNMS,NDA,JEE,NEET,CET examinations. Extra coaching & guidance is provided to these special batches.